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Your Father in Heaven loves you unconditionally 

Happy Father's Day to our loving Heavenly Father who loves us all equally and eternally.

I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to my Heavenly father who has blessed me and protected me all of my days. 

I had 2 fathers on this Earth - the one who raised me, and the one who gave me life. Even though both fathers have some prickly stories I won't be telling today, I have forgiven them both and love them unconditionally the way our Savior Jesus asked us to.

“Love everyone”, that's what he said. and he didnt just mean the nice people. 

As you know through my music, I have not lived an easy life. But I have learned that it isn't what happens TO you that matters; it's your attitude about life that moves you forward or backwatds. We choose our attitude about everything we experience. And in that choice, we grow and flourish, or we wither in the negative we create. 

Once I forgave and offered forgiveness to all, even for future wrongs or unknown things…I was made lighter. The burden of holding on to resentment, revenge fantasies or just the hard path of ongoing depression and anxiety through bringing past events into this future time right now…my goodness - that is too much for any one person to bare.

But, Jesus took that cross for YOU - so anything you have done or said could be forgiven. He loves you…and God loves you. 

So today, if just for one day, Let go and celebrate with me the Supernatural wonderment of our father in Heaven. In him we always have a good Father to honor, when this day arrives each year.

I love you all my brothers and sisters. I wish all Earthly dads and “dads to be” a fantastic Father's Day. 




LOVE IS the Answer! Freedom matters! Download all my music Free!  

This is now my platform. I believe this is what Jesus would do.  


We must pray for love to prevail...let no anger enter you. Light and dark can not exist in the same place simultaneously.  
It is the same with Love and Hate. 

We must pray for our lesders to feel love...because once love enters  them...everything will change. 

In the experience of LOVE they will meet with the organizers of peaceful protests, they will feel the pain of all of us who feel silenced and oppressed! Our leaders will come to the tables of negotiation and harmony .... peace and prosperity will be restored. 

This is what love does my beautiful friends! Just pray for our leaders to experience LOVE. 

Jesus told us exactly how to love in harmony! LOVE EVERYONE...the liars, the haters,  the abusers! Jesus taught us to LOVE them ALL!  

Love kills the Demon...everytime!   

By LOVING everyone...we keep ourselves in the high vibrations of that high love vibration - immunity, protection from Holy Angel's, happiness and faith are all your love!  

This is the solution I have been given...and the more people that Express love...the more it will awaken. 

Confusion will be gone! Open your heart and just Express your love proudly! That is what Jesus would do! Love kills Hate... 

LOVE creates LOVE! Be an agent of Love!  

God Bless you all!  

Jacqueline, singer/songwriter ARON CROSS Rock Theatre 

All my music on this website is now FREE! Download and share! 

Aron Cross Rock Theatre announces a LIVE performance hiatus.  

Hello friends and fans of the truth!

Aron Cross Rock Theatre is a performance troupe that pairs live music with a theatrical stage show. The show depicts the struggle we all face to live happy, full of love and abundant, while facing the ups and downs of life and interpersonal relationships. 

For those of you who have seen our Heaven and Hell themed stage shows, you know how much work we put into performance, creating stories designed for musical stages, and rehearsing for our shows. Most importantly, as a Canadian performance band, we are used to playing large shows, and Headlining and in direct support of other large tour acts. For the past year there have been no large stages open for performance. 

With the huge costs associated with rehearsal and contracting players for our shows, the most responsible decision is to put the Theatre shows on hold at this time.

"I really love live performance, the way the show connects with the audience, as a catalyst for healing; and while it is heart-breaking to step back, the revolving Pandemic lockdowns in Canada, have made planning and delivery of our shows, impossible," says Aron Cross creator, Jacqueline Lovely Perras.

While the Rock Theatre shows will be put on hold until 2023, new music, solo appearances, and a new digital platform, of music and mediation videos, called, "Circle of Love", will be released in April 2021. Details will be announced on our website once the release dates are finalized. 

We are stronger together. As we compromise, create, and move forward with optimism, we are paving the way for a new awakening in music. 

Keep the faith. Tomorrow always comes.

Aron Cross creator, Jacqueline Lovely Perras to Launch new meditation video series.  

Get ready friends because this April 2021, singer, Jacqueline Lovely Perras releases her first Meditation Video Series, "The Goddess Rising"  

This premiere series will include meditations for increasing Love, Money, Health and Restful Sleep, and have been recorded in the corresponding music frequency, for maximum mind absorption.  

"We all have the potential to manifest anything we want in this life. The Secret lies in training your mind to accept the worthiness to receive an abundance of money or love, and then going after it," says creator and orator, Lovey-Perras. 

"The Goddess Rising" Series, uses the principals, of The Law of attraction, Numerology, Neroliguistic Programming, The Secret, "I am" Affirmation encoding, and Hertz Frequency pineal gland activation, to help listeners change negative patterns of thinking, and re-train their minds to manifest anything they they desire. 

The Goddess Rising Series Premires, April 12th, 2021.  

Sample tracks will be posted on "The Circle of Love Network," via uTube and subscribers will be able to get longer versions of the tracks free by joining Jacqueline's "Circle of Love" Patreon page, launching the same day. 

You are in control. You have the power.  

Let the Goddess Rising series, jump start your manifestation journey.  

You are worthy of everything you desire. 

Money comes easy. You are in control.   


You never have to chase money. 

All you need to do is keep yourself in a high vibration. 

In high vibrations, money is attracted to you. Success is attracted to you. Luck is all around. Doors go flying open.  

If you hang with low vibrational people, or date them, live with them...invite them to participate in your life, you will always need, struggle, fear, and want.  

Energy is a force....and love is one of the highest vibrations we can experience.  

But what isn't love, can injure all your efforts to move into a beautiful, easy life.  

Jealousy, guilt, misplaced attachments formed through  fear of change, and cultivated by a flawed sense of duty, can hurt you more than any sword. Many times low vibrational people cling to others they know have ultimate potential, because they are too lazy to manifest happiness for themselves.  

Free yourself from anyone, or situation that try's to pull you into fear, apprehension or guilt. The low stay low, because they believe in "good enough". They draw on the energies of others to feed themselves....but what that does to you, is suck you dry...and pull you down so you are too tired to see the trickery they are imposing on you. Good people lift each other. Do you feel lifted by your friends and lovers? 

Or are you always the one lifting the people around you? They cry, whine, complain, gossip, and hate on others that are more successful, and you listen, sucking in all that toxic low energy....and they celebrate, because they are keeping you down in the low tragic vibration with them....feeding on your wisdom and compassion.  

In a beautiful union, we lift each other, we feed our souls with happiness...and we live together in high vibrations of joy and success. You can feel the difference. High vibrations make us feel satisfied, full of energy and heal our bodies of all ailments. Low vibrations bring our bodies, minds, and finances to ruin.  

It is sometimes hard to let go or create barriers between ourselves and the others who live low, because they are family, work colleagues, childhood friends, or part of a inner friend circle we want to be a part of....but no gain from living low, just to satisfy a false notion of duty...or desire to be in a popular "clique", will ever bring success and abundance into your world with any consistency. Remember, you are in choose, just like you choose high.  

Break free and let go, and you can wave to all the low energy beings from your castle in the sky. In time, some of them, inspired by your success, may come up to join you. But remember we can not will anyone to be awesome, happy or wealthy....we can only claim it for ourselves.  

Claim your awesome life right now.  

This is my wish for all of you.  

Much Love and Light,  

Jacqueline Lovely Perras

Truth is Important.  

One of the most common mistakes we make is telling a lie. No matter how small, or how insignificant we think it is, a lie is always wrong, because a lie, isn't the truth. As soon as a lie goes out into the world, everything that comes after it, is based in a false notion. And this is where gossip, hate, misunderstandings, confusion and hurt, flourish. 

Think of it like this, when a lie is told, everything that comes after that lie is an ERROR, because everything following that lie, isn't truth. 

Errors will continue being made, because people who believed the lie, are acting and speaking as if the lie is truth....and they will even hotly defend that lie, believing it was an honorable defense...because they trusted your integrity to tell the truth. 

Good, honest, well-meaning people can get caught up in the spreading of lies unknowingly, because they believed in the honor of the source.

It's like this, you tell a lie, and someone re-tells it, they honorably speak about what you told them to others, but because the information was false, you just made them an agent of your lie. A person who did not, themselves lie, believing in your integrity, took your words as truth, has now become a liar. And it wont stop there. That lie will continue to cause errors in relationships with people, the more it gets re-told. 

So, what if we spoke truth all the time?

There would be no inflation of errors, no false information spread by good people who were just responding to what they thought was truth. The integrity of our friends and community members would remain in tact, and in the energy of this integrity would spread to all who live around us, uplifting abundance, love and success in us all. The truth isnt always easy to hear, but truth is always better than a lie, because truth is based in the tangible, and a lie is based on nothing. Growth, reparation, healing, forgiveness, and wisdom do not come from nothing. 

But what if some of you are thinking, "I am afraid to tell my truth", or "I shouldn't have to tell all my truth to people," for those of you, who are worried about moving forward in all truth, I posit this:

First of all let go of anything you did up to this exact moment. Give forgiveness to all around you, including yourself, and begin now, moving forward, in all truth. 
If Someone asks you something and you don't want to tell the whole truth of it, you will now just say, "I prefer not to talk about that" or "that's a private matter."

You see, if you respond in this manner, no ERROR is created. No one moves out of that moment with false information. You keep your integrity with your silence so there is no false narrative, that could go forward hurting others. 

Integrity is a high vibration. It lifts us up with successful opportunity, light, happiness and prosperity. Creating an a very low vibration, that hurts you, and all others around you it comes in contact with, damaging people and relationships and creating contention, anger, depression and destruction.

Living in all truth is easy. Watch how your world changes with the high vibration of truth and integrity. You are in control of your experience. Choose happiness and abundance.
Just speak truth or say nothing.

Forgiveness for yesterday is a promise. 
Repentance for our own errors, is garenteed by God, through the redeeming love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. So let go of the past, and focas on right now.
Step into this moment in truth and honor, and experience how wonderful it feels to live in a high, happy vibration.

You CAN make a difference in our world.
Walk forward right now in Truth. 
Your example will change others, and it will bless all of those around you.

Much love and light, may God bless you all,

Love is always kind. Happy 2021...the year dreams come true.  

"Love is Patient, 
Love is kind. 
It does not envy, it does not boast. 
It is not proud. 

It does not dishonor others, 
it is not self-seeking, 
it is not easily angered, 
it keeps no record of wrongs.  

Love delights not in evil 
but rejoices with the truth. 
It bears all things, 
believes all things, 
endures all things. 
Love never fails." 

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8...and food for thought...."keeping no record of wrongs" - this in particular stood out. Sometimes it's hard to let go when people hurt you. But the anger, resentment, and revenge fantasies we make up, they poison our ability to love.  Forgive and let go....that is what love does. I'm going work hard on this one. 

Scripture is. How you live it, is up to you.  
Become a light in the darkest spaces...or twist words of wisdom into a blinding hypocasy, you use for corruption or self grandizement.  

Just know, you aren't fooling anyone. Goodness bares delicious fruit and eternal life...selfishness and falsehood, damnation.... In the biblical sense "damnation" is a firey Hell.... To those of you who dont believe in Hell.... it is the poisoning of love, the end of hope and the corruption of potential.  

Love the best you can. We are all imperfect, but if we just try and be a little can heal all.  
Eternal life is Heaven to me...but it is also the legacy of who I am after I am gone. I do my best to love...not perfect, but perfectly trying.  

Happy 2021 friends. 
May you enjoy success and happiness in the coming year. 

Jacqueline Lovely Perras


Change is Possible.  

I lost a friend today. 
A sad loss, but not by death... 
By judgement. 

Last night a friend told me that they believe the character of a person is fixed. 
That as children our character becomes the all of who we are, and as we age, no matter what the circumstances, we can't become anything different than who we learned to be in the childhood years. 

The parents who raised us imprinted their thoughts and values on us, developing our character. The environment we lived in imprinted on us...and these imprints also contributed to our character. 

My friend told me this is fixed. No willingness to change, no redemption from God. 

No hard work, no desire.. can make a cheater not a cheater, a person raised in an abusive home, will always be an abuser, a child of addicts, is destined to become an addict. 

My friend said that they believe absolutely in God, Jesús Christ and the Holy Ghost.  

But not in change. 

Why did Jesús suffer in the garden of Gesthemene, if not to take on the sins of the that all who err, who make mistakes, all who want to live a better, happy, honest life, can have that opportunity?  

With such judgements...with the sins of our parents and the home in which we were born imposed upon wonder the world is in such crisis. The plan of Salvation has been forgotten, even by self proclaimed believers.

I believe in Free Will. I believe that ANYONE who wants to change CAN change. 

I believe I am not my parents, or the people who raised me. 

I am not my childhood enviroment. 

I am not the girl who was bullied in school. 

I am not the wild teenager who lived in the streets. 

I am not the young adult who messed up. 

Im not the grown up who had a tantrum when she was cheated on or lied to. 

I am me.


I am now, and tomorrow, whoever I want to be.  

I believe Everyone...EVERYONE...can be better, happier, more honest, more kind, more loving, more generous, and more forgiving.  Who we are is a choice

...whatever you were yesterday, you can wake up today and choose to be whatever you want....and if that's kinder and more mindful of 

Jesús came not for the pious saints...he came for all the sinners...the flawed, the imperfect, the perfectly trying. 

Never let anyone judge you because of your past.  

You are, whoever you want to be. 

If you ask, all of the sins of yesterday are gone. This is God's promise, through the attonement of Jesús Christ....we are all renewed....if WE WANT TO BE. 

Your CHARACTER is not fixed. 

Goodness and love, heal and renew. 

People come and go in our lives. 

Savour the positive moments. 

Let go of anyone who doesn't believe in you, and in the Power of Change.

Love changes everything.

- Jacqueline Lovely Perras

Photographer and friend, Candy "Phoenix Camerah" Burns, is remembered fondly by Niagara Falls music community.   

This article is copied ver batem - this articled appeared on Friday, February 28th, 2020 circulating on Gscebook media. 


She was part of us’: Niagara music scene will miss photographer Kandy Burns 

WHATSON 08:58 AM by John Law The Niagara Falls Review 


Kandy Burns, a fixture of the Niagara music scene, died in her sleep Tuesday. - Facebook , Special to Torstar 

No matter how diverse Niagara's music scene, it always had one thing in common: Kandy Burns would take your picture. 

No matter the gig, no matter the band, she was a constant presence. A country show one night, heavy metal the next. It seemed every Niagara band and singer had a Kandy Burns photo on their Facebook page. 

This week, those same artists are flooding their social media with tributes to Burns, who died in her sleep Tuesday night. 

"She was part of us, part of our scene," says Niagara musician John Donald. "That's what made her love it so much. Not only was she included, she was very well respected." 

It was a labour of love for St. Catharines resident Burns, who photographed the Niagara scene for nearly two decades. The wife of a truck driver, George, she constantly championed local artists not just with her photos, but through the local online music site She would often post the daily playlist, spotlighting Niagara bands. 

Donald says Burns was a "closet musician" who became entrenched in the local scene. 

"She was one of us," he says. "Not above or below, but one of us. Always supportive, always a happy person. I never heard her complain ever." 

Local music promoter Jill Lunn says Burns was a "tough cookie" everyone in Niagara's music scene admired. Getting photographed by her was considered an honour. 

"She captured people's true selves doing what they loved an what made them passionate," she says. "A quiet impact, but it was massive, true and lasting upon the Niagara music scene. She will be missed by so many." 

"Kandy was one of the first people to play me on the radio," added local singer Jess Wilson. "And she got one of my favourite shots of me ever. 

"It's going to be weird not having her around because she was such an amazing person." 

Mike Richards, singer for Niagara band Eklectik, says Burns had an "unparalleled" love for local indie music and the people who made it. 

"She supported them without question, she would travel great lengths with the loving support of George just to surprise a band she was close with," he says. "She was amazing at what he did, and without ego. 

"She will be missed by many, but to a select few there is a hole in our hearts that cannot be filled." 

Local music buff Lisa Dawn Bitter-Smith says Burns' charitable spirit equalled her love of music. She recently picked up two bags full of clothing from her to be donated to local homeless shelters. It was the last time she saw her. 

"I hope they have a huge venue for a celebration of her life because I imagine that place will be rocking with Kandy fans," she says. "She was everywhere in the music scene and made her mark, to be remembered fondly." 

While Burns had been struggling with her health recently – only her close friends knew - her sudden death Tuesday left the local scene in shock. 

"It was very sudden and unexpected," says Donald. "There's going to be a huge void left in music because she was prolific. 

"She would go to Niagara Falls, Welland, St. Catharines, Beamsville, Stevensville, she'd go all over the place to see local bands. To cover them, take pictures, and to hang out with their friends. Or make new friends. 

"She loved music, but she was also about the people too." 


ROCK SINGER, Jacqueline Lovely Perras, to sing her original song, "Woman" in the feature length movie, "Flames of Fury" currently filming in Toronto.  

A few months ago, I was involved in some social activity that led to me being bullied by my peers. I have always been bubbly and outgoing....for me every performance is important; whether it is a jam night, or full tilt theatrical concert, I always strive to do my best. I work hard networking and having fun, making the most of any event. I see every opportunity that presents itself as a way to promote myself as an original Indie artist; expanding my followers, listeners and fans.  

After some unfortunate events where a few ladies decided that it would be fun to humiliate me publicly by mocking me, threatening violence, and gossiping about me to the point where I no longer felt comfortable in public, I withdrew from friends and public events where I could be put into situations that could become disruptive or negative. I am not one to back down when challenged, but for me, withdrawing seemed the easiest way to slow down the waves of gossip and bad feelings that appeared to be fuelled by my presence.  

During this time, another girlfriend of mine, Roxy Luciani, had been very hurt by a good friend who made some derogatory comments about her current lifestyle. Hurt by the statememts, and the subsequent gossip that circulated, she reached out to me for support, knowing about what had just happened to me.  

We talked openly about our feelings and supported each through the incidents. After a lively discussion, we decided to move forward with love and forgiveness. Wherever possible we would try and repair the broken relationships, and forgive others who had hurt us.  

As it happens, Roxy also works in the entertainment industry and had been recently approached by a film writer who was looking for a dynamic female vocalist to write an original song for her new film. Because we had been supporting each other through some difficult moments, I was fresh in her mind when she was approached with the inquiry. Roxy immediately passed my name along to writer/director/actor, Gloria Yasdani.  

Gloria and I are now collaborating on original music for her film, "Flames of Fury", currently filming in Toronto. Not only is it a thrill to be writing music for the film, but three days ago, Gloria approached me about using my song, "Woman", currently in production for my second album, "The Quickening", in the film as well. Additionally, she has asked if I would appear in the film and sing my song, "Woman" at the Black Tie Party Scene shooting July 18th. The filming will include clips that will be integrated with scenes from the movie to become a video single for the song "Woman", which because of its involvement in the film, is now planned for pre-album release in partnership with the movie premier in 2019. Roxy is also appearing in the film. She will be part of the scene for Black Tie event July 18, and I look forward to celebrating with her this win for love.  

Women supporting woman, reaching out, and caring about each other, led to my involvement in the upcoming feature-length film, "Flames of Fury". For me this is a testimony of the power of kindness and love. Although Roxy and I both experienced negative social interactions, we supported each other, and in that support a wonderful opportunity opened up for me and for Roxy. Had we not been bullied by our peers and supported each other through the upset and healing, we would not have been appearing in the movie, I would not be singing in the movie, my music would not have been considered for inclusion in the soundtrack, and I never would have met the very talented and wonderfully brave, Gloria Yasdani.  

So just remember folks, sometimes things happen, and we get hurt or confused. But the outcome of any incident is in our hands. If you adopt an attitude of growth and learning in all of life's experiences and search for those silver linings, sometimes what seems like a negative, can be turned into a positive.....and great blessings will be enjoyed.  

Go forward with love. Holding on to negative feelings about situations or gossip you can't control, only brings you sadness. Forgive and move forward. Life doesn't always make sense. Just be the example of what you want to see in others. When we create love, we are surrounded by love.  

         - Jacqueline Lovely Perras 

               WARRIOR OF TRUTH  

                  July 11th, 2018

Blog photo: Tracy Cory Mead